Join Us! Our AGM is July 5, 2023
ActionsThis is your Co-op!
Every Lakeland Co-op Member is an owner, and as an owner, you should have a say in your business at the upcoming Annual General Meeting on July 5, 2023.
We are currently accepting nominations for 3 Director positions.
You can help guide the future of Lakeland Co-op, gain valuable business experience, develop leadership skills, and represent our Membership with insight and feedback.
For details on becoming a Director, and for the Nomination Package, please visit Lakeland Co-op Admin Office at 6020-54 Ave. Bonnyville, to speak with General Manager, JP Stassen. Nomination deadline is June 12, 2023 at 4:00pm
The following Proposed Bylaw Amendments will be voted on at the Annual General Meeting:
Current Reading of Bylaw: 7.02 Qualifications
(a) No person shall become or continue as a Director if that person
(v) Is an officer or employee of the Cooperative or a commission operator under contract with the Cooperative.
Proposed Reading of Bylaw: 7.02 Qualifications
(a) No person shall become or continue as a Director if that person
(v) Is currently or has been an officer or employee of the Cooperative or a commission operator under contract with the Cooperative within a 3-year period of accepting a nomination for, or becoming a Director of the Cooperative.
Proposed Addition of Bylaw: 7.02 (d) Disqualifications
(i) Director may be disqualified from the board if the following occurs:
A. missed three consecutive regular board meetings in a fiscal year; and/or
B. does not meet the annual $1,500 spend requirement; and/or
C. displays behaviour that does not uphold the Code of Conduct and Ethics, and Commitment to Office.
Current Reading of Bylaw: 9.01 Duty of Care of Directors and Officers
(a) Directors and officers of the Cooperative, in exercising their powers and discharging their duties, must:
(i) act honestly and in good faith with a view to the best interests of the Co-operative.
(ii) exercise the care, diligence, and skill that a reasonably prudent person would exercise in comparable circumstances.
(b) Every director and officer must comply with the Act, the regulations, the articles, and the bylaws.
Proposed Reading of Bylaw: 9.01 Duty of Care of Directors and Officers
(a) Directors and officers of the Cooperative, in exercising their powers and discharging their duties, must:
(i) act honestly and in good faith with a view to the best interests of the Co-operative by adhering to the Code of Conduct and Ethics, and Commitment to Office; and
(ii) exercise the care, diligence, and skill that a reasonably prudent person would exercise in comparable circumstances.
(b) Every director and officer must comply with the Act, the regulations, the articles, and the bylaws.